They say four walls isn’t what makes a home; a home is made with the people inside. That statement is a perfect picture of 115 Main St. Needing to find a new space was overwhelming, we wanted to make sure the space would allow us to continue to help those in the community that need it most. Then we found our new home, bigger, brighter, and exactly what we needed. Since moving we have seen an increase of in-kind donations allowing us to expand our supportive programs. Our afterschool program provides a space for kids to practice healthy socialization skills with their peers, receive homework assistance from our teens, and a chance to explore different forms of art through craft time and a music circle. A bigger space has allowed for additional teens to come and give back to their community through volunteer hours while also providing support to one another. One of our favorite expansions is for our parents. While the children are participating in our afterschool program, parents can come and gather to learn a new craft, such as crocheting, or simply support one another by sharing their experiences. Our home is full of support and is always a non-judgmental space to provide help to any who need it.
After COVID19, we saw the desperate need so many in our community have when it comes to accessing basic needs. We wanted to provide those needs but didn’t have the space. Now, thankfully, we have that space and time and more importantly, community partnerships helping us to close the gaps to basic needs through support and donations. Our work is far from over, we still have a long way to go as we strive to foster emotional healing, provide a safe space to experience positive socialization, and eliminate barriers to basic needs for the Hunterdon County Community. Our new home will continue to be a light for those experiencing darkness and a harbor of safety of love to those that need it most.
Welcome Home!
